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How long will the stain last?

So long as all prep work is done correctly, the stain is applied correctly, and regular maintenance is done, all our stains should last at least 3-5 years, if not longer.
However, there are many factors that influence the longevity of any stain, and that is why we can only give you a range of time. These factors include moisture in the forms of humidity, rain, and snow; ultra violet rays from the sun, and wind that picks up dirt and debris to eat away at the stain. If the stain on the exterior of your home endures 3 years, that is good performance.
To know when you need to re-stain, inspect your home on a regular basis. Has it lost its luster? Is bare wood visible? Has the color dramatically shifted, particularly on the sunny exposures? Is the stain blistering and peeling? Any of these or similar signs are a sure way to know it’s time to re-stain or do a maintenance clear coat.