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Repairing Rotten Log and Wood

What Causes Wood Rot
The microscopic organisms that discolor and decay wood belong to a group of primitive plants known as fungi. Unable to produce their own food, fungi feed instead on natural substances (symbiosis) that make up organic materials like leather, cloth, paper, and of course wood.
These organisms release millions of dust-size spores that are distributed by air movement. These spores germinate, producing thread-like filaments called hyphae. The enzymes secreted by hyphae break down organic matter so fungi can feed on it.
Before this fungi can attack wood, certain requirements must be met: oxygen must be present, temperatures must be in the 40 to 100 degree Fahrenheit range, there must be a supply of sufficient moisture, and there has to be a food source . Infection can be prevented by eliminating any one of these requirements.
The most effective "method" of preventing fungal deterioration of wood is to keep the wood dry. The decay of the wood is caused by the chemicals dissolving nutrients in the wood, the nutrients are then absorbed by the fungal hyphae, enabling the growth to take place. If the moisture content is high enough the growth extends through the wood via a network of fine threads called mycelium. As with any fungus, the spores are ever present in the dormant stage, awaiting proper conditions to grow. At this time, some of the filaments penetrate below the surface, first softening and then destroying the wood.
Types of Wood Rot
Decay fungi fall into three major groups:

  1. Brown rots
  2. White rots
  3. Soft rots

Brown Rot - Brown rots are so-named because infected wood turns dark brown. When dried, wood previously infested will turn to powder when crushed. Many times, old infestations of brown rot which have dried out are labeled as "dry rot." This is really a deceiving term since wood will not decay when dry.
White Rot - White rots show a white, gray-white, yellow-white, or bleached appearance to wood. Most often infecting hardwoods. In advanced stages of decay, white-rotted wood is spongy, has a stringy texture, and lacks the checking of brown-rotted wood. A thin black line often marks the advancing edge of white rot in hardwoods.
Soft Rot - Most decay fungi are unable to conduct water very far and can only attack moist wood. However, Poria incrassata, called dry rot or the water-conducting fungus, will decay wood which would not be attacked by typical decay fungi. Poria infested wood is often mistakenly identified as subterranean termite damage. This type of fungus can transport water for several feet through large root-like structures called rhizomorphs. Once established, it can quickly spread through a building and destroy large areas of flooring and walls in as little as a year or two.
Wood Rot Repair Products

  • PC-Wood Guardian is a product designed for use in preventing and controlling Decay Fungi. It is an effective treatment for wood and wood composite to kill and prevent infestations of decay fungi including white and brown rot and wet rot.
    PC-Wood Guardian is also effective for the prevention and control of wood destroying insects including, but not limited to, Subterranean Termites, Drywood Termites, Dampwood Termites, Powderpost Beetles, Deathwatch and Furniture Beetles, Carpenter Ants and Bark and Timber Beetles.
  • PC Rot Terminator is a structural wood hardener designed to strengthen decayed or rotted wood. The mixture is a low viscosity liquid that penetrates porous surfaces filling and sealing voids with an epoxy that cures to a hard but durable component. PC Rot Terminator is useful for replacement of missing wood fibers or wood resin. PC Rot Terminator fills the voids in the wood with an elastomer that has strength greater than wood. PC Rot Terminator acts as a binder that glues the wood fibers together. The wood fibers become much stronger in combination with the epoxy elastomer.
    Worn and weathered wood can be rejuvenated with PC Rot Terminator. The surface can be made harder and less crumbly.
  • PC-Woody is an epoxy paste formulated to replace missing and rotted wood. It has structural strength greater than most wood. PC-Woody is a permanent wood repair for interior and exterior applications. This epoxy is made from real wood and has many characteristics of wood.
    Restore, salvage and strengthen soft or rotted wood
  • PC-Petrifier is a single component adhesive, formulated to fully penetrate and revitalize rotted wood. Modern technology has allowed us to develop a water base wood consolidant that is environmentally friendly. PC-Petrifier low viscosity allows deep penetration into soft rotted wood fiber, restoring old wood to near structural integrity. Seal and restore rotted soft wood fibers in window sills, sashes, frames, trim, decorative beams and columns, etc.
    Other products for repairing wood rot and rotten logs include:
  • M Balm Wood Epoxy epoxy liquid penetrates deeply into porous, deteriorated, dried-out or spongy wood, curing and hardening into a strong, water-resistant mass that includes both the original wood fibers and the epoxy mixture.
    The more M Balm Wood Epoxy used, the stronger the restored wood member will become. It consolidates the decayed area in preparation for use with E-Wood.
    Borate Wood Preservatives
    We carry a complete line of log and wood preservatives including all the major brands of borate wood preservatives.

PC Rot Terminator
PC-Wood Guardian
Log and Wood Preservatives