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Log Home Construction Safety

  • During unloading/ keep al! Unnecessary people away from the tractor-trailer on which the logs arrive. Only the forklift operator should be near the truck. If a bundle of logs or other materials were to be knocked off the truck, someone could be killed. No one should ever be on top of the truck when it is being unloaded.
  • Small children should be kept away from the job site. Children, in general, must be very well supervised and/or monitored when they are near the construction site.
  • When the logs are separated, there will be many piles of logs scattered near the foundation area. This is a perfect place for children to run around and play. Just one wrong move and a pile of logs can fall over on a child with unthinkable consequences.
  • Please watch out for the "little people". They are excited about their new home and are too young to recognize the danger areas.
  • The foundation wall should be backfilled as soon as possible so that it will not cave in on anyone or present the potential hazard for someone to fall into it.
  • Cover the opening in the sub-floor going to the basement with a large piece of plywood so that no one will fall through this opening during construction. This is one of the biggest safety violations that can be found on the building site. This job should be your first priority after installing the sub-floor system
  • Wear goggles if you are spiking the logs in place. It is easy to chip the head of a spike with a glancing blow and this chip could damage an eye.
  • Use a scaffold, of approved quality, when lifting logs and rafters. Do not use empty 5gallon containers, wooden boxes, lumber placed across logs, etc. You do not have to fall 100-feet to kill yourself!
  • Wear gloves during the construction phase.
  • If you have friends, relatives, or hired employees on the job site, be sure that Whey are covered by Workmen's Compensation or home owner's insurance. If someone is hurt or killed on your property, you may end up in a lawsuit, if you are not protected with proper insurance.
  • Take out fire, wind, and hail insurance as soon as you start construction. Homes have been destroyed during the construction phase and this could result in a severe financial shock to you if you are not protected.
  • Get lien waivers from all contractors at the time of final payment. This protects you in case the contractor does not pay his suppliers. Have your home engineered by a structural engineer prior to construction.
  • There are many more safety factors that one must consider, but the list is endless. Keep in mind to error on the side of caution. Remember, once again, that it is extremely important to watch the children when they are on the job site.