Simple Construction

Each log is precut to exact lengths and labeled accordingly. Random length logs are also available.
- A simplified numbering system minimizes the log sorting time on the job site.
- Window and door openings are already cut out.
- 4'-5'overhangs at the gable ends are standard for most models
- A log layout assembly sheet comes with the precut log package showing the log lengths and their placements according to window and door locations
- A 102 page construction manual is provided to acquaint the builder with our construction system.
- Just stack the log, drive the spike or log screws into the pre-drilled holes, place the adhesive PVC gasket on the tongues and you're ready for the next log.
- A crew of four should be able to place the log walls on a 1,200 square foot home in about four days or less.
- It is highly recommended that homeowners who wish to build the home themselves have general knowledge of construction and experience. If not, find a local, experienced and reputable contractor.
- Technical assistance is provided with all our pre-cut packages.