Timber Pro UV Log and Siding Stain Formula
Timber Pro UV Log and Siding Stain Formula
Protect, Restore, and Maintain Log Homes and Cabins, Cedar Shakes and Shingles, Natural Wood Siding, and Interior Wood
For Natural Wood Surfaces Such As:
- Wood Siding
- Log Homes
- Hot Tubs
- Shingles
- Shake Roofs
- Interior Wood Siding or Logs
- Wood Ceilings
- Beams and Rafters
- Interior wood trim
How about interior stain for wood?
The Log & Siding Formula is so versatile it can be used as a transparent wood tone or clear interior wood stain because it’s environmentally safe and low VOC. Stain wood beams or timbers, interior logs, wood paneling, trim, wood ceilings and doors with this penetrating finish that is easy to apply and provides excellent wood protection. Then consider top coating indoor wood with our Crystal Urethane to add a gorgeous satin glow.
Is it durable?
This eco friendly wood finish is remarkably durable. It is not necessary to subject yourself or the environment to the fumes, and pollutants of a hazardous wood preservative or a flammable oil wood finish to achieve long term results. The patented sunscreens and tints in Timber Pro UV finishes prevent graying and reduce color fading. We’ve combined the best properties of renewable alkyd oils and water based micro polymer acrylic resins to create our own unique, and proprietary “oil based water borne” finish. With our technology, oil and water do mix without separating. Our finish penetrates into the wood with water as the carrier. It then dries and bonds within the wood pores, which is imperative for durability. It does not leave an oily or sticky film that will attract dirt and spores — a common problem with many a waxy wood sealer or oily stain.
When applied correctly, each coat penetrates which avoids the possibility of a thick film being created on the wood surface which can cause problems down the road should that film crack or get damaged. Nor do you smell it for weeks and months afterwards. Timber Pro is used by many of the top log home companies, timber frame home builders, and cedar home companies in the world. Many stores selling green building materials tell us Timber Pro is the best wood stain they carry, due to its natural appearance, durability, allowable LEED credits, and because its truly ‘green and sustainable” with very low VOC’s (odor) of only 119 grams per liter minus water. See our Green Policy and Specs.
Log & Siding Formula’s Unique Advantages
- Durable, even in mountain or oceanfront climates
- Low V.O.C (odor) at less than 120 gr. per liter!
- Versatile — so safe you can treat interior wood too
- Oil based with water clean up and it’s non flammable
- Can be sprayed and back brushed
- Finish does not evaporate from the wood with heat exposure
- Does not need to be stripped before re-application
- Reduces tannin bleed, cupping, warping, and checking
- Can be applied to wood with as high as 21% moisture
- Breathable so moisture is kept out but not trapped in
- No soft oils to attract dirt, and subsequent mildew
- Provides an easy to clean wood surface