Title: The Fire Pit Gallery Autumn Sunset Leaf 37” Fire Pit Sphere
Special Offer: FREE SHIPPING!!
Description: Light up and warm up the next outdoor gathering with this Fire Pit Sphere. This custom steel fire pit features a flat steel base with autumn leaves creating the sphere. Handcrafted and hand-cut with high-quality American-made steel. Comes complete with a rust patina finish with rain drains at the bottom. Numbered plate to assure that the fire pit is completely unique. Designed by Melissa Crisp. Lifetime warranty.
Hand-cut and custom made
Made of high-quality 1/4” American steel
Designed by Melissa Crisp
Wood burning
Rust patina finish
Rain drains at the bottom
Can be converted to gas
Numbered metal plate
Lifetime warranty
37” DIA x 38” H
153 lbs.
18” Footprint
Title: The Fire Pit Gallery Autumn Sunset Leaf 37” Fire Pit Sphere
Special Offer: FREE SHIPPING!!
Description: Light up and warm up the next outdoor gathering with this Fire Pit Sphere. This custom steel fire pit features a flat steel base with autumn leaves creating the sphere. Handcrafted and hand-cut with high-quality American-made steel. Comes complete with a rust patina finish with rain drains at the bottom. Numbered plate to assure that the fire pit is completely unique. Designed by Melissa Crisp. Lifetime warranty.
Hand-cut and custom made
Made of high-quality 1/4” American steel
Designed by Melissa Crisp
Wood burning
Rust patina finish
Rain drains at the bottom
Can be converted to gas
Numbered metal plate
Lifetime warranty
37” DIA x 38” H
153 lbs.
18” Footprint