Title: Dumond Peel Away® Deck Restorer
Download Dumond Peel Away® Deck Restorer MSDS
Description: Peel Away® Deck Restorer is produced by Dumond. Dumond products are broadly known as market leaders in producing environmentally safe, effective and easy-to-use mixtures to a range of industries, professionals, marines and household jobs. Renovating your deck can give a renewed look to your house exterior. Peel Away Deck Restorer is a highly- useful deck restoring product. It is safe to use on wood surfaces including, redwood, cedar, pinewood, pressure-treated oak and much more. Broadly regarded as one of the finest woods restoring products on the marketplace today. Peel Away® Deck Restorer is also helpful and effective at restoring external gray, natural, and weathered wood surfaces back to their best. Eco-friendly and biodegradable, this product is safe for the environment and others. Invented without harsh chemicals.
Peel Away® Deck Restorer is highly alkaline. In order to restore and lower ph, you will need to use Peel Away® Brightener and Neutralizer after using Peel Away® Deck Restorer. You can find this product here.
Odor free
0% VOC
Eco friendly formulation
Effective and safe
Formulated without harsh chemicals
Save money and time to restore and repair deck with this concentrated formula from Dumond
Notes: Peel Away® Deck Restorer will keep the wood being treated nontoxic, while cleaning away stubborn stains and adding a bright finish. Before applying Peel Away® Deck Restorer to any surface always do a small test area. Although every effort has been made to test the product on as many surfaces as possible, it is always recommended to test the surface you will be treating.
Title: Dumond Peel Away® Deck Restorer
Download Dumond Peel Away® Deck Restorer MSDS
Description: Peel Away® Deck Restorer is produced by Dumond. Dumond products are broadly known as market leaders in producing environmentally safe, effective and easy-to-use mixtures to a range of industries, professionals, marines and household jobs. Renovating your deck can give a renewed look to your house exterior. Peel Away Deck Restorer is a highly- useful deck restoring product. It is safe to use on wood surfaces including, redwood, cedar, pinewood, pressure-treated oak and much more. Broadly regarded as one of the finest woods restoring products on the marketplace today. Peel Away® Deck Restorer is also helpful and effective at restoring external gray, natural, and weathered wood surfaces back to their best. Eco-friendly and biodegradable, this product is safe for the environment and others. Invented without harsh chemicals.
Peel Away® Deck Restorer is highly alkaline. In order to restore and lower ph, you will need to use Peel Away® Brightener and Neutralizer after using Peel Away® Deck Restorer. You can find this product here.
Odor free
0% VOC
Eco friendly formulation
Effective and safe
Formulated without harsh chemicals
Save money and time to restore and repair deck with this concentrated formula from Dumond
Notes: Peel Away® Deck Restorer will keep the wood being treated nontoxic, while cleaning away stubborn stains and adding a bright finish. Before applying Peel Away® Deck Restorer to any surface always do a small test area. Although every effort has been made to test the product on as many surfaces as possible, it is always recommended to test the surface you will be treating.