Title: FireScapes Smooth Ledge Gas Fire Pit - Square or Octagon
Description: Unique and stylish, this fireplace creates an incredible ambiance at night. Constructed with robust and decorative stone with flagstone cap and gray mortar. Includes one bag of large lava rock and one bag of small lava rock for the base. This fireplace can also be used with LP or natural gas.. Color mix is varying sizes of browns, creams and grays.
Frame made of galvanized steel and aluminum
Honed, copper, slate cap
Has a suspended floor to create a natural draft
Control knob with piezo electric ignition
19” stainless steel fire ring
Propane hook up or natural gas
Includes stainless steel burner, and either natural gas or liquid propane kit
Also includes a 10ft hose and regulator
Maximum output: 65,000 BTU
3” base clearance
2 Style Options - Square or Octagon
SQUARE: 32” W x 32” D x 16” H
OCTAGON: 32” W x 32” D x 16” H
Weight: 220 lbs.
Special Notes:
For Outdoor Use Only
Propane Tank Not Included
One-year limited warranty
Title: FireScapes Smooth Ledge Gas Fire Pit - Square or Octagon
Description: Unique and stylish, this fireplace creates an incredible ambiance at night. Constructed with robust and decorative stone with flagstone cap and gray mortar. Includes one bag of large lava rock and one bag of small lava rock for the base. This fireplace can also be used with LP or natural gas.. Color mix is varying sizes of browns, creams and grays.
Frame made of galvanized steel and aluminum
Honed, copper, slate cap
Has a suspended floor to create a natural draft
Control knob with piezo electric ignition
19” stainless steel fire ring
Propane hook up or natural gas
Includes stainless steel burner, and either natural gas or liquid propane kit
Also includes a 10ft hose and regulator
Maximum output: 65,000 BTU
3” base clearance
2 Style Options - Square or Octagon
SQUARE: 32” W x 32” D x 16” H
OCTAGON: 32” W x 32” D x 16” H
Weight: 220 lbs.
Special Notes:
For Outdoor Use Only
Propane Tank Not Included
One-year limited warranty